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For Leaders

These articles are designed to help prayer group leaders in Catholic Charismatic Renewal. They are taken from the Leader Resource Kit, available in an earlier edition in printed form that contains other material from the CCR Centre. The articles appearing here have been slightly revised.

Understanding the Bible

For a mature Christian faith, it is very important to understanding the nature of the Bible. Leaders have a special responsibility to know what the Bible is, and what it is not, if they are to help people know God and how he works in the world, as they use the Bible in their teaching and ministry. Too often, people misuse the Bible because they do not understand what it is, or where it came from. Texts are used without any reference to their context or to the matter really being addressed. Texts are used selectively, without any integration with the whole biblical text. The Bible is often used to prove what the speaker is saying. But you can prove anything you want by selecting small pieces of text from the Bible.

How to Give a Talk

Surveys show the fear of speaking in public is common. This fear can be substantially reduced by good preparation, and by paying attention to some basic rules for giving an effective talk.

Giving a Personal Testimony

The aim of giving a personal testimony is to be a witness to the working of God’s grace in your own life, so that the faith of your listeners may be built up. Remember the ABC of giving a testimony...

A Litany of Praise

Read aloud the following litany of praise and allow it to open your spirit and draw you into the realm of the miraculous. For the next five minutes just forget about yourself and concentrate on God. He is awesome!

Joining the Prayer Ministry Team

Prayer ministry is a very important aspect of a Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer meeting. As people become involved with a prayer group, they soon want to serve others and, after they have had sufficient experience by being part of the group for some time, they may be invited to be part of a prayer team that ministers in prayer to others after the meeting. These notes are designed to help such a person who is new to ministering to others in prayer.

Preparing a Teaching Program for Your Prayer Meeting

These notes are intended to help leaders design a teaching program for their prayer meeting, and to prepare and give good teachings. Teaching is an important way of helping people to come to know God. Good teaching also strengthens faith, and helps people to discern well.

Leading Praise and Worship

These guidelines are intended to help the leader of the prayer meeting to conduct periods of praise and worship in a charismatic prayer meeting that are alive, and that help people to grow in their experience of God. The leader should also refer to the article: The Essential Elements of a Prayer Meeting.

The Essential Elements of a Prayer Meeting

A Catholic Charismatic Prayer Meeting has certain characteristics. The experience of leaders of CCR since the beginning of the movement in the late 1960s is that a prayer meeting should contain a good balance of elements if it is going to encourage openness to prayer, gifts of the Spirit, participation by those attending, personal spiritual growth and growth of the community. It is considered that the following elements should be present in a good prayer meeting. Some of these elements may not be present in a particular week, but they should be evidenced throughout a program of meetings.