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Healing Ministry and Prayer Requests

prayerministry 450What is Healing Prayer?

CCR Melbourne Healing Prayer Centres provide an opportunity to seek God’s healing in areas of people’s lives that need healing such as physical, emotional and spiritual.

We are not counsellors, nor do we offer advice.  Our commitment is to Listen, Love, and Pray.

Prayer ministers are lay people who have received training in this ministry to cooperate with the Holy Spirit who bring healing in body, mind, soul and spirit.  They freely give of their time to help others, and many of our lay people have been trained by Christian Healing Ministries (USA). It is a ministry of compassion that relies on God’s healing power. The sessions last approximately one hour, allowing sufficient time for the prayer recipient to share their story and for the prayer team to provide a deeper level of prayer in accordance with the discernment and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We offer personal prayer ministry through:

  • Personal Prayer Appointments (in-person)
  • Days of Healing Prayer
  • Open House (no appointment necessary)
  • You may leave a prayer request for our intercessors.

What does it cost?  There is no charge for a prayer appointment, but donations are most welcome as CCR exists entirely by donation.

Healing Prayer Centres are located at Chelsea, Pascoe Vale and Fitzroy Nth.

  • For enquiries or prayer appointments:
    Phone: 03 9486 6544 or
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Why pray for healing?

In the healing ministry it is vital to establish that what we believe and teach is scripturally sound. When Jesus announced His ministry in Luke 4:18, He said He came to proclaim the year of the Lord, a time of restoring people to their (God) spiritual core.

People today still seek healing. They hunger and thirst to know God in a direct, experiential way. The sick still need healing, just as much as they did in Christ’s day.

When He sent out His disciples to further His ministry, “He gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick." —Luke 9:1-2

We believe this commandment is still very relevant to Christians today, and that the gift of healing, (a gift of the Holy Spirit) is very much available to those who will simply ask God.

Jesus’ ministry was one of compassion and healing, even at great risk to Himself. We are called to continue His ministry to humanity.

‘But because of our sins he was wounded…beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.’ (Isaiah 53:5)


We believe ….

Catholic Charismatic Renewal affirms the historic Christian beliefs as contained in the creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed), which have served as the basis of Christian belief since the first century. Because of the nature of our prayer ministry, we stress the need for the power of the Holy Spirit, in order that we might serve as vessels of God’s healing power.

We also affirm the value of the medical and counselling fields, since they too are ways in which God’s healing power is manifested. Beyond medicine and human means, we believe God can work miracles of healing through Jesus Christ, and we see this as part of His role as our Saviour.

We are explicitly Christian and accept Sacred Scripture as our guide and norm. We welcome all who seek Jesus the Healer to bring healing into their lives.

What we do exclude, by the very nature of our ministry as Christians, is anything that goes counter to established Christian truth, as well as any kind of healing that relies upon a spiritual power other than that of Jesus Christ.